One particular one caught my attention because it has happened to me. Recently, actually.
A couple weekends ago Nikki and I were at the mall, and we saw our friend, Joey. We all hung out for awhile and were having a good time. This had been the first time in a long time since we had seen Joey, and we didn't really know how to say bye. Did we hug? Did we just nod and walk away? Wave?
Yall are probably thinking that this was the awkward part. No.
So, it's time to say bye. We tell him that we had a good time hanging out with him and that we need to do it again. We do the universal hug and that's that. Now this is when it's awkward. We turn to leave BUT Joey is going the same way as us.
"Oh, are yall going this way too?" he asks.
I laugh awkwardly, "Yeah. Imagine that." I reply. Nikki joins me in the awkward laughing.
"Yeeeah." he keeps walking.
What do you do then? I mean we eventually have to do different ways, but we already said our goodbyes. See, awkward.
It's just the whole presence of eachother makes it awkward. I don't know why, but it does.
(After this happened I was watching Natalie from Coummunitychannel and she did a vlog about this. Pretty funny.)
Anyways, most of yall know how I dyed my hair. Pretty awesome.
Well, anyways, obviously this new hair made me a whole new person. People don't even recognize me at first. I got this line a lot at school, "I didn't even know who you were at first!"
I don't see how this was such a huge difference. I mean, yeah, it's black. I get that, but really? You couldn't even tell that I was Melissa? Just cause of my hair color. During Thanksgiving a lot of people thought that I was just some other guest.
That made Marie and I laugh because obviously people don't notice little things like that. Other examples?
Superman and Clark Kent.
Glasses and no glasses. Worked for him just like my hair.
I'm like a superhero.
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