Wednesday, November 18, 2009

School Days, sir. School Days.

Girls at my school all have pencil pouches. A lot of them are really cute, and I mean I wouldn't mind having one. I was actually really wanting one lately because a lot of girls pull theirs out and people will stop and compliment on them. I've been meaning to mention it to my mom, and maybe getting one.

Anyways, I found something better. Much better.

Today in class a girl near me pulled her purse on top of her desk and then proceeded to get her pencil pouch out. It was really cute, and I was a tad jealous. It was orange and had really cute designes on it. Anyways, as always, someone told her how cute it was.
"Awh thanks. I got it from Target." she said.

Once class really got started someone was asking around for a pencil. They came to that girl, "Hey, do you have an extra pencil?" she asked the Pencil Pouch Girl.
"Lemme check." she answered. She pulled out her adorable pencil pouch and rummaged around for a second. "No sorry." she gave her an apologetic smile.
The girl looking for a pencils turns to me, "Hey, do you have an extra pencil?" she asked.
I thought for a second then smiled, "Yeah, I think so." I replied.
I pulled my purse up on my desk and pulled out...
A crayon box. You know, the plastic ones that you have in like grade school. Anyways, I pull it out and get her a pencil.
She looks at me for a second, "A crayon box?"
I look down at it and back at her, "Yes." I reply. I have a huge grin on my face.
"Adorable." she says with the same smile.
I win, Pencil Pouch People. I win.

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