Wednesday, September 9, 2009

day 4our

Day 4our.

Three hundred and Sixty-One more to go.

School seems to be going by fast. The classes seem to zoom by, especially when you have great people like Marshall, Slader, Austin, Mario, Brionne, Adam, Gabriele, Jackie, and Alan in your class.

Block uno wasn't anything special. We played volley-ball. The big, competitive, testosterone filled boys against the smaller, pathetic, timid girls. Now, coach told us that whoever wanted to play could, and me being a Mc(rest of last name) had to play. We are all competitive. Wether it be about Monopoly, grades, or just who is the favorite of my dad's, me.

Back to the point, it was the girls against the guys. And let me tell you, we had about six girls playing compared to their oh, I don't know, ten? Not to mention they had Sam on their team whos serves scare the heck out of me! So, we played. The game was on, and we weren't doing half bad. We all took turns serving, but then it came to me. "Oh, my turn?" I asked timidily.
I had served before, and I never thought I was any good, "Yeah, go on Melissa." I heard one of the girls say. I took the ball and looked over at the other side of the net, Sam smiling at me. Challenging me. I could almost hear him saying, "C'mon Melissa."
I held the ball out infront of me and hit it. I hit it hard, and it went over the net! That's all I was looking forward to, but obviously it did much more. It went straight towards a guy and he missed it. We had gotten a point! Everyone on my team cheered, "Good job Melissa!" I heard Seble say to me.
I smiled, "Thanks!" The other teamed passed us the ball again, and I got another go...
About ten points later and I was still serving! The faces on the guys faces now seemed annoyed. I knew they were thinking, "How is this little girl beating us?!" I smiled at each of them, that's right boys, the girls are winning.
I got to serve a few more times before the boys finally got the ball back, and it was their turn to serve again. We played a little longer, but in the end the girls still won. Sweet, sweet victory.
Say hello to my kick-butt volleyball skills!
Second block, Marshall danced. And boy did he dance a lot. "Hey Melissa, can you do the pancake?" I hear Marshall ask me while I'm translating my Latin work.
"No." I say before I look at him. "Can yo-" I see him trying to do the pancake.
"I can't either," he is still trying to dance, "but I swear I'm going to be the best dancer at this school." his face is so serious.
"Okay Marshall.."
Third period was boring, plain as that.
Fourth block was okay. Did actual work, boo.
In the least, uneventful day.
My bestfriend. My sister. My better half. Nicole.
She is amazing. I know this is probably the first time I have mentioned her in my blog, but hey, I'm one busy gal. Nikki means a lot to me, and I hate that she ever doubts that. She means the world to me, and I can truely say that she is my bestfriend. It has been 4years&1month since we became best friends, and we are still going strong. Nikki is someone that has changed my life in so many ways. Through all the drama, she was there. Throuhg all the tears, she was there. Through the laughter and almost peeing on ourselves, she was there. And to the best of my knowledge, she will always be there. Just how I will always be there for her. In short, I care about this girl a lot. I love her to death. No matter how much we fight and say that we hate eachother, we know that we will be close forever.
Nikki is my FAFA (:
"I'd laugh if she was like 'uhm, I don't'."
"Well, I don't, but that's besides the point."
"They are hairy as a jungle and dry as a desert!"
"The bed white snow leopard!"
side note!
For those of you who don't take Latin, that says "Carlos is great!"
Because, well, he is. And I will keep reminding you of this. Every. Single. Day.
By the way, I love him (:
So; Funny things my friends say
Lee: You better say sir to me!! Cause im your pappy(: cause i make you scream oh pappy every night!!! :D
Alan: Would you tap that? Yeah, with a stick.
Marshall: Hey, hey, hey! You know Tupac?! Yeeeeaaah.
My mom: Look at the cute cats!
Me: That's a dog.
My mom: Melissa, look, those cats are so cute!
Me:.....That's a dog.
My mom: A dog?.... Oooohh, that's a dog!
The end of day 4our!

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