Monday, September 21, 2009

day sixteen!

I started my period today, bite me.
School was really boring. First period I stood around with Sam, Kaylen, and Carly. Sam hit me in the back of my head with a soccer ball, and then I was attacked by frisbees. Round objects like me a lot.
Second period was boring. Very boring. I hated it, and I wish that I wasn't taking Laitn. That random guy that was repeating the teacher the other day sat next to me and talked about weed. I was asked him "Do I really look like the kind of person that does that kind of stuff?"
He looked me up and down, "Nah bruh, but you never know." he replied with a wink.
I stared at him for a second, "You remind me too much of Mara's almost step-brother." I replied. Then I turned around and tried to ignore him the rest of the period. Yeah, lame.
Third period was art. Did book work then played kemps. Ruth and I beasted it, like always. ASIAN POOWEERRR.
Fourth we took notes on this Buddist movie.
After school, Nancy came over! We went to the thrift store to go buy clothes for 80's day at our school, and let me tell you.. we look rather rad in our outfits.
I'm so excited! Teased hair and tights. Big sweaters and funky colors. Good day (:
Anyways, that's all for tonight. Sorry, don't really feel like writing a lot.
Periods always put me in a lazy kind of mood.

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