My day sucks today.
I just can't seem to do anything right.
- Mrs.C totally ignored me during class, and I didn't understand the lesson. FAIL
- Ms.B got mad at me because my violin didn't have a fine tuner. FAIL
- Lee's text made me feel boy crazy. FAIL
- Alex was/is upset with me. FAIL
- Mrs.M's brownies sucked bawls. FAIL
Why does my life suck so bad?
Besides that, my day was okay. Had school today, and it went by really fast. First period we went over the Old English worksheet, and I have to admit that I suck at it. I don't know how I'm going to be an English major. Mrs. C wouldn't listen to me or my question, so I just gave up. I think my only highlight in first period was hearing Marshall and Fredrick talk about Gaylo, uhm I mean Halo.
Second period wasn't that much better. Ms. B got mad at me because she gave me a violin that didn't have a fine tuner on the D string. I'm sorry that you are the stupid one, Ms. B. And the only thing that made that class fun was Nancy and her white-girlness and Brady. Brady could make my day any day. He is beyond funny, and he pisses off Ms.B on purpose (:
Third block was my only good class, and mind you, it wasn't that good. Coach talked on and on about how we can't boo freshmen at pep-rallies anymore. That. Is. Crap. On a brighter side, I lost mt voice. I love when I loose my voice, and obviously so does Austin.
"Hey! Austin!" I tap his desk repeatedly.
He looks over at me, "Yeah?" he gives me a weird look. You get used to it after awhile.
Besides that, my day was okay. Had school today, and it went by really fast. First period we went over the Old English worksheet, and I have to admit that I suck at it. I don't know how I'm going to be an English major. Mrs. C wouldn't listen to me or my question, so I just gave up. I think my only highlight in first period was hearing Marshall and Fredrick talk about Gaylo, uhm I mean Halo.
Second period wasn't that much better. Ms. B got mad at me because she gave me a violin that didn't have a fine tuner on the D string. I'm sorry that you are the stupid one, Ms. B. And the only thing that made that class fun was Nancy and her white-girlness and Brady. Brady could make my day any day. He is beyond funny, and he pisses off Ms.B on purpose (:
Third block was my only good class, and mind you, it wasn't that good. Coach talked on and on about how we can't boo freshmen at pep-rallies anymore. That. Is. Crap. On a brighter side, I lost mt voice. I love when I loose my voice, and obviously so does Austin.
"Hey! Austin!" I tap his desk repeatedly.
He looks over at me, "Yeah?" he gives me a weird look. You get used to it after awhile.
"My voice is all raspy! I'm loosing it! Yay!" I grin at him.
He laughs at me, "Most people hate when they lose their voice. You are a weird kid Melissa." he shakes his head at me while turning his attention back to the worksheet.
"You know I sound cute." I state before getting up to turn in my work.
So, I didn't totally lose my voice, bummer, but it has been getting raspy. I've been trying to talk a lot, scream, and sing. Anything that will make it go raspy for a long time. I love when my voice is like that, and well, it hardly ever gets like this. Obviously God doesn't want me to be happy. (Just kidding, I know he wants me to be happy.)
Well fourth period wasn't that fun either. I hate taking tests. I especially hate chemistry tests. I'm not good in science, so I don't know why I'm in honors. Yeah, we had a test. The writing part was easy enough, and she gave us brownies. And I know a lot of you are probably be like, 'Oh that's not too bad!' but they sucked. I took a bite and almost let it drop out of my mouth. It was like she molded poop to look like a brownie. Worst. Brownie. Ever. True story.
side note*
I love Carlos; Carlos R: i was lookin forward in reading ur blog, but u havn't made one yet
Carlos R: as soon as i got home i went to ur blog. haha
He is obviously my number one follower (:
Have I told yall about Lee? Oh, I have? Well, have I told you how his dreams make me laugh? Oh, I haven't? Hm...
Well, check it. He had a dream about us and other people going to visit homeless people under a bridge. While we were there a girl tried to rob Lee because he had money on him. Silly, silly Lee. Who brings money when they go to visit homeless people? Anyways, he kept calling out to me to help him, and I told him, direct quote, "ONE FU**ING SECOND!!"
And me being the awesome friend I am, came over there and kicked her in the back of her head.
Mom's Daily Section:
"Mamma, the people who made the Barbie movies obviously don't know how to count."
"Why?" she asks, not really paying attention.
"They made their own version of the Three Musketeers, but there is four of them." I say while laughing.
"Okay?" she gives me a confused look, "It's supposed to be four people anyway, right?" she asked.
I started at her for a moment. Was she serious? I just told her Three Musketeers. Three, mom, three. "Seriously?" I ask her. I can feel the laughter building as she gives me this serious face.
"Yes..." I begin to laugh and she joins in, "Whaaat?" she asks, still laughing.
"It's called the Three Musketeers for a reason." I reply.
"Ooooh!" she says after a thoughtful moment.
Yet again, more proof that my mom kicks your mom's butt.
(: i love you.