I'll be writing once a day, every day, for a year.
(Pride and Prejudice & Halls are my best friends.)
I hate being sick. My nose feels like it will spontaneously com bust any second, my head is pounding, my throat itches, and my body is stiff. Everyone keeps telling me to sleep, take medicine, or drink a lot of water. I've been sleeping almost all day. Medicine is not an option, and I'm so tired of drinking water. It makes me have to pee too much. I want to go sit outside with my book, Pride and Prejudice, and maybe go for a walk. I hate being sick, and I don't hate many things.
Anyways, Day One has been a pretty bland one at best. Although one of my best friends Lee bought me a book. He is one of the most thoughtful guys I have ever met in my life. I really do love this guy. Yesterday we were talking about books. Books I wanted to read, books I have read, just books. He asked me why I haven't really bought books, and well, frankly I don't know. He asked me what book I'll be checking out next, and I said Wuthering Heights. He comes to church today with a present. I wasn't expecting a book. Maybe a bag of cough drops, but not a book. He is the greatest, true fact. When I opened the present I was so excited. It made me forget that I was sick, even for a little. I must say, I have some of the best friends ever!
Well, besides church, I haven't really don't anything. Sleep, eat cough drops, and read. Read, read, read.
Pride and Prejudice is a good book so far. I like it, a lot. Although I don't really like Mr.Darcy, but maybe my opinion will change. Can't wait to start Wuthering Heights. I heard that it is a really good book.
On another note, my mom is probably the funniest person I know. She says the dumbest things that make me cry with laughter. I wish she would have a video blog. People just send her questions and her give her honest to God opinion about these things, or her just talk about our cats. She hates our cats.
Ah our cats. My mom's arch nemesis. But there is one cat that she likes. Baby Cat, or Spaz. A couple months ago Baby Cat was hurt. Her back legs wouldn't work, and my mom and I nursed her back to health. My mom always had a soft spot for hurt/sick things. Well, today, Baby Cat was sitting on the dinner table and my mom got mad.
Now, my mom is awful at telling all our seven cats apart, so she had no clue it was Baby Cat.
Baby Cat jumps up and the table and my mom gives her a dirty look, "Hey, you, get down!" she says while jumping at her. Attempting to shake Baby Cat's confidence.
Baby Cat doesn't move an inch. She stares back at my mom, challenging her. "Meow." Baby Cat finally says.
My mom stands up now, and Baby Cat makes a mad dash through the kitchen towards the stairs. My mom isn't far behind, spoon in hand.
Now I start to panic, Baby Cat is going to get hurt! "Mom! Stop!" I shriek, but she is waving the spoon at Baby Cat now, aiming. "Mom, it's Baby Cat!" I repeat this three times, but then I hear a bang. She threw it. She threw her spoon at Baby Cat. I look around and see Baby Cat run out, thankfully unharmed. "Mom!" I say again.
"Whaaaat?" she asks innocently. Like she was the victim. Baby Cat trots down the stairs, victoriously.
But then my dad chimes in from downstairs, "What was that?!" I hear him shout at us.
Quickly I call back before my mom, "Mamma tried to hit Baby Cat with a SPOON!"
My mom shoots me a mean look, "Tattle tail." she whispers at me harshly.
Tattle tail? Tattle Tail?! My mom just called me a tattle tail. See, she is the best.
Your opinion will definitely change about Mr. Darcy, promise. (: